Saturday, February 26, 2011

Designing an advert!

Well, my chosen client was Nadine Falzon :)

To get a brief idea of her likes/dislikes and what she wanted I asked her a few simple questions! 
They go as follows:

Favorite colors? White, Black and purple.
With graphics or without? Without.
Slim or bulky? Bulky.
Type of key? QWERTY (Plastic).
Shape? Big.
With flip or sliding? None.
An ideally spent weekend? Gigs, Camping and Bbq's.

The final design!

Getting familiar with Photoshop tools

The levels tool can move and stretch brightness levels in a histogram using three main components: a black point, white point and midtone slider. 

Adjusting the black and white point levels

When considering adjusting the black and white point levels of your histogram, ask yourself: is there any region in the image which should be completely black or white, and does the image histogram show this?

NB: Holding down the "ALT" key while dragging the black or white point slider is a trick which can help avoid shadow or highlight clipping, respectively.  

Adjusting the midtone level

Moving the midtones slider compresses or stretches the tones to the left or right of the slider, depending on whicbrighten or darken the midtones wh direction it is moved. Therefore, the midtone slider's main use is to ithin an image.

Information gathered from: Using the Photoshop levels

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Volkswagen Polo Advertisement (Recreating Task)

Apparently, we had to choose an advert and recreating it again but this time it has to be TOTALLY opposite of what it was orginally. While I was doing my research, I came across this one:


Form: Anti-Realist Narrative
Style: Humorous

> In my opinion, it is fun to watch, easy to remember and the aimed message has been delivered to the viewers in the easiest and funniest way possible! Well done! :D


My recreation... This time for a Volkswagen Camper :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My first attempt at photo retouching

We had just began learning Photoshop at school! Our lecturer introduced to our dear friends, Clone Stamp Tool and Spot Healing Brush ("They can do miracles!", said Sephora in a whispered voice). 

 Briefly, The Clone Stamp tool  paints one part of an image over another part of the same image or over another part of any open document that has the same color mode (Reference to Retouch with the Clone Stamp tool) while the Spot Healing Brush  quickly removes blemishes and other imperfections in your photos (Reference to Retouch with the Spot Healing Brush tool)

While Retouching...

Finished Retouching..

Spot the difference!  ;)
PS. I am getting to LOVE  Photoshop!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Info Graphics

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information,data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signsmapsjournalismtechnical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The color red has really caught my sight. Quite effective - indeed!

Found it ideally for children to explain by the usage of colors, pictures and information given.

A detailed one! Everything's organised and you can understand it pretty well..
Love the color scheme too!

For some other great examples of Infographics check out this site:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bicycle Thieves : Review

Rating: 6 out of 10

"Bicycle Thieves" is an Italian film which was released on November 24,1948. A neorealist film directed by Vittorio De Sica. Basically, the film is about a poor man searching the streets of Rome for his stolen bicycle, which he needs to be able to work.

The camera angles,shots and acting were quite good, but the storyline was far too simple to satisfy my tastes.I actually felt that the storyline was 'wasted' on a man searching for his bike. As simple as that!

Over all, let alone the storyline (in which I do believe it's a matter of tastes) I consider this film as a well made film, technically speaking (obviously!)


For more information regarding "Bicycle Thieves": 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Huge Success!!

Congratulations to me!! I have just managed to create my very first blog :) Basically, I am going to make use of this blog for education purposes and as part of an assignment. I will be posting information about our lessons and tasks given by our lecturers. Hope you will find my posts interesting and please feel free to comment!